Benefits Of Including Cannabidiol (CBD) In Your Health And Wellness Routine
|Hi everyone! Here is another wonderful article about CBD, which has been popular among our fan base. This time it comes from on
which has kindly allowed us to reprint it on our site. Enjoy!
“With continued research, fans of cannabis – both old and new – are coming to realize how useful CBD can be as part of an overall wellness regime. Cannabis is not just something that “stoners” use on a recreational basis in an effort to get high. While it certainly can be consumed for recreational purposes, cannabis has so many more uses.
In fact, science continues to show us how the various cannabinoids in cannabis – including CBD – play a key role in health and wellness and serve as a natural alternative to traditional remedies for various ailments.
With continued research, fans of cannabis – both old and new – are coming to realize how useful CBD can be as part of an overall wellness regime.

How CBD Helps Your System
CBD – or cannabidiol – may have some incredibly promising cannabis health benefits to the mind and body, but how exactly does it work to do this?
CBD’s ability to promote better health and wellness stems from its interaction with the endocannabinoid system of the body. This system is tasked with regulating brain, endocrine, and immune functions, and influences various experiences in the body, including appetite, pain, stress, anxiety, inflammation, and mood, among others.
More importantly, the system is responsible for maintaining homeostasis – or balance – in the body that’s needed to keep the body healthy and free of disease and ailments.
The endocannabinoid system is made up of endocannabinoids, which are neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors located throughout the central and nervous systems. The body produces its own cannabinoids that bind to these receptors, but cannabinoids from outside sources – such as CBD and THC from the cannabis plant – can also serve a similar function.

Pexels / Pixabay
When cannabinoids interact with the receptors of the endocannabinoid system – either directly or indirectly – they can relieve pain, minimize inflammation, improve mood, promote better sleep, and alleviate stress and anxiety.
Why Incorporate CBD Into Your Wellness Routine?
As already mentioned, the endocannabinoid system’s main job is to maintain homeostasis in the body. The body’s internal conditions must constantly be controlled and in proper balance because the cells depend on this environment to function properly. If the conditions are not optimal, certain processes will not function the way they should, and that can lead to disease.
CBD can help the endocannabinoid system maintain this balance and help the body adapt to outside stressors. As such, adding this cannabinoid to your daily wellness regime can help you boost your overall level of health and wellness.
Here are four main areas in which users can take advantage of the benefits of CBD.

Promote Better Sleep
Good sleep is integral to overall health and wellness. Lack of proper sleep can bring about a myriad of health issues. In fact, not getting enough quality sleep can lead to high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and even heart disease.
Many people go to great lengths to try and improve their sleep patterns, including taking sleep medications. However, CBD may be an effective natural alternative to pharmaceutical meds.
Studies have been conducted on CBD and its relationship with sleep, revealing that the cannabinoid can encourage better sleep and may be able to treat specific sleep disorders, including insomnia, sleep apnea, and narcolepsy, to name a few.
Induce an Anti-Inflammatory Effect
Inflammation in the body can lead to a host of issues because of the damage it causes to the cells and tissues as a result of oxidative stress from free radicals. A high level of oxidative stress can cause serious damage, even to our DNA.
Recent research has shown a link between CBD and reducing inflammation. More specifically, CBD can mimic how the immune system works to alleviate inflammation in the body. By reducing inflammation, a number of ailments can be relieved, including pain and skin conditions.

Deannachka / Pixabay
Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Perhaps the most well-known reason for introducing cannabis into a daily regime is to reduce stress and anxiety. Cannabinoids’ role in alleviating stress and anxiety stems from their interaction with certain receptors that influence serotonin.
Low levels of serotonin in the brain can cause anxiety. Medications that target serotonin levels – known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) – work to increase the level of serotonin in the brain by blocking reabsorption of the neurotransmitter. This, in turn, can alleviate stress and anxiety and boost a person’s mood.
CBD and THC can mimic the work that SSRIs do to make serotonin more readily available, thereby helping to relieve stress and anxiety and help patients feel better. The cannabinoids do this by enhancing 5-HT1A transmission and may affect serotonin faster than medications.
Promote Healthier Skin
CBD’s anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties are particularly useful when trying to improve the look and feel of the skin. More specifically, it can help alleviate certain skin conditions, such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema.
Studies have found that CBD and THC serve as effective agents in the function of sebaceous glands, which secretes “sebum,” an oily substance which can clog pores and cause acne flare-ups. Dilation of CBD topicals can minimize the secretion of sebum and therefore help keep the skin free and clear of breakouts.

Different Ways to Incorporate CBD Into Everyday Life
There are various ways that CBD can be used and implemented into your daily regime, depending on your comfort level. Here are a few formats that CBD is available in:
Edibles. CBD can be quickly and easily added to beverages and foods and ingested orally. Whether you add the product yourself and create your own recipes or purchase edibles that are already infused with CBD, edibles are an easy and convenient way to add CBD to your daily regimen.
Tinctures. Another simple way to consume CBD is to use tinctures that can be taken sublingually, meaning under the tongue. The great things about tinctures is that they provide CBD in a concentrated form that bypasses the digestive system and takes effect more quickly once it is absorbed through the mucous membrane under the tongue.
Topicals. Individuals who are looking to alleviate specific pain points may find topicals more convenient, as they can be applied and rubbed onto the exact areas where the pain is being experienced. Topicals are also useful for those who wish to apply them to the skin as a means to boost skin health and combat acne.

Vapes. To quickly take the edge off and alleviate stress or anxiety, vapes tend to work quite well. Consuming CBD in this manner also takes effect rather quickly because the CBD does not have to be digested before it starts working.
Capsules. An easy way to take CBD is in capsule format. That said, exact dosing might be a bit more difficult.
Final Thoughts
CBD continues to show great promise in the world of health and wellness. With so many different applications – including promoting better sleep, improving skin health, alleviating anxiety, and combating pain – CBD certainly has a bona fide place in this sphere. And with a variety of different modes of application and consumption, CBD can be implemented according to each individual user’s comfort level.”
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Whoa that’s awesome! Thanks Mia, much appreciated 🙂