We’re really glad to see you here today. The reason this page exists is to ask for your support, and it’s for a very good reason too. You can probably tell that it takes considerable time and effort to produce the contents of this blog. What you may not know is that Granite Fitness is a small operation by only two people who volunteer their time to run the blog.

As such, we’d like to implore you to show us your support with a contribution if you can. This would really help sustain the blog to continue producing great quality content that you will enjoy and benefit from. Although we live in a world devoid of fairness, I believe that most people have it in their hearts to help others out.

Of course, please don’t feel obliged if you are not in a position to donate. After all, we want everyone to enjoy our blog, and that is our main priority. You can also help us by engaging with us on social media and telling your friends about us. We hope you continue enjoying our articles.

If you feel in your heart that you want to help us out, please click on the button below. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.