How Long Does It take To Detoxify Your Body Naturally
|Detoxing – yay or nay? It really depends who you ask. Today we get a unique perspective from a popular doctor in India. Here goes:
You must be really interested in the idea of giving your digestion a break and flushing out the toxins from your system, but have you ever thought about, what could be the best way to do that and “How long does it take for your body to detox?” and how often your body needs Detox! To learn the answer to this and to know better about detoxification of the body systems, Let’s have a look at the few points.
Is it Good to Do a Detox?
Since our bodies have many effective, natural mechanisms for detoxification, the constant exposure to pollutants and chemicals these days has become a feature of modern life. As a result, our bodies may have difficulty in Completely flushing the toxins out from our organs and tissues and when those toxins get accumulated, a cascade of health issues can set in.
Will A Detox Help to Lose Weight!
The purpose of detox is to flush out toxic build-up from your organs and not to shed pounds. Any weight loss that happens during a detox most likely stems from decreased water retention. It’s certainly possible to see rapid, visible changes while detoxing, particularly to the appearance of your face and stomach. But that has more to do with reduced bloating than true weight loss.

How Long Does it take for Your Body to Detoxify
The words “cleanse “ and” detox “ tend to be used interchangeably and thus share the same major goal: i.e., to flush out the toxic build-up from your body. When we talk about detox is it either the act of detoxing from a substance or a detox treatment program. Some target towards detoxifying the specific organs that often get overworked, like liver or colon, while others focus on overall wellbeing.
The right detox to be followed depends on your personal health history, age, gender as well as your current health goals. And when we talk about detoxifying, we typically focus on the dietary changes, like the foods you’ll eliminate and the various incorporation of fruits and vegetables that can be included. But detoxifying your body naturally also includes lifestyle changes and suggests incorporating natural wellness boosters and detoxifying foods to facilitate the cleansing process.
Now how long does it take your body to detox, so here it is that “Everybody is unique and responds to detox in its own way”. The detoxification process may vary from one day to weeks depending on the type of detox you choose.

Good and adequate sleep allows eliminating toxins that accumulate throughout the day. Eating a diet rich in prebiotics and probiotics keeps your digestive system healthy, and thus helps in proper detoxification. Antioxidant-Rich Foods helps your body reduce damage caused by free radicals and helps in the efficient detoxification process also in weight loss.
How Often You Should Detox!
To figure out your body’s detox frequency, you need to tune into your body’s signals that it’s feeling overloaded. Few Signs that you need a Detox:
- Frequent seasonal allergies
- Eating healthy but still feeling low
- The body is stiff, sore and achy
- Feel stressed all the time.
Therefore, when you feel any of the above it’s important that you give a break to your body’s system and fix a day’s detox plan for yourself and generally also you can indulge yourself for 1-2 days detox to flush the toxins out for your overall wellness.
About The Guest Contributor
Shikha Sharma (A medical Doctor) Actively working in the field of weight management and lifestyle related disorders since inception, we have come a long way in the last 21 years to develop steadfast health programs backed by solid scientific knowledge.
Our unique concept of bringing together the modern medicine techniques and the principles of Ayurveda of different food types for different body constitution helps us prepare personalized diet programs which have helped us successfully coach over 50000 people on healthy food habits not only in India but across countries. Website-

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