How To Minimise Stress When On Vacation
|Is it time for a holiday? It depends on who you ask. But for most of us, we could always use one, can’t we? While we are always spruiking our Traveller’s Fitness Bible, we have a special guest contributor today. Zack Spring from Travel Fit, who has contributed to our blog twice before, has some expert tips on how to minimise/minimize stress when you are on vacation. Here goes:

“Even if you are an extrovert who feels energized by the prospect of new experiences, sights, and meeting fresh faces, travel is not all fun. The process of putting together an itinerary, going to the airport, getting through security, and the flight itself are just a few of the things that can easily overwhelm a traveler.
Even if you aren’t flying as part of your trip, the stress of long drives can be an issue when you are traveling long distances as part of a vacation. Use the following tips to make your time traveling as stress-free as possible.
Start with the Planning and Start Early
You may already have a destination in mind for your next vacation. But if not, consider a vacation that revolves around the great outdoors. One reputable study found that people who visited forests and parks – even within an urban environment – found relief from issues such as headaches and stress. So, if you can cater a trip around a particularly scenic outdoor location, do so.

Decide if you can afford to stick with a carry-on bag only when packing because checking luggage will only add to your trip cost. Most of us know the feeling of helplessness that comes with a lost bag, and it can be a complete trip-ruiner.
Chris Guillibeau, whose self-titled website embraces “the art of non-conformity,” has another tip for packing: pack everything in the same place, every time. This helps limit the time you spend rifling through your suitcase for one specific item, and it also creates a system where you are less likely to forget items that you will need.
Make the Airport Less of a Hassle
The airport is one of the more daunting aspects of any trip. We usually can’t avoid the airport altogether, but there are certain things that we can do in advance to make the experience less of a hassle.

Travel Pulse recommends attempting to secure TSA Pre-Check status, for which you may or may not be eligible. Another tip includes considering taking an Uber or hiring a driver so that you won’t have to worry about navigating the roundabouts of crowded airport parking garages. knows what they are talking about when it comes to stress-diminishing airport etiquette. Specifically, mind your own personal space and others. Crowding – whether it is in the security line, during boarding group assembly, or otherwise – makes us more uncomfortable and tense than we may even realize. So stand back, keep your headphones on, maintain a healthy distance from others, and pretend you are on a beautiful deserted island until you are safe in your plane seat.
Take Care of Domestic Business
Before leaving for the airport, you can actually reduce your stress. Lock your doors, double check that your windows are secured, and put outdoor lights on timers.

This will help you be certain that, while you’re out of town, you did not leave your home and property vulnerable to would-be burglars. HomeAdvisor offers some tips on other ways you can secure and prepare your house before taking off on a vacation.
Traveling has proven time and again to be great for our health. From mental vitality to physical re-energization, taking a trip can be the perfect break from work and monotonous routine that most of us need. That said, travel is not always peaches and cream. But, if we take some steps to minimize travel-related stress, we can truly enjoy our trip.”
Thanks to Zack Spring from Travel Fit, whose site is definitely worthy of checking out! His products go really well together with our Traveller’s Fitness Bible and also complements our Yoga Band Set. Check out his site for sure!
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