Oh No, Anxiety Strikes Again. How Do I Cope?

Anxiety is a part of everyone’s life, although it affects some much more than others. There are different ways of dealing with different types of anxiety, which of course, have different causes. Proper treatment and support can help a person to deal with their anxiety in a better way and can ensure they have a better life. With the proper support and action, one can find himself or herself free from the majority of their issues after some time.

The first thing we should do is explore what anxiety really is. There are, in very general terms, two types of anxiety. The first type is that type of anxiety with which you can deal with, and is often due to situational circumstances. For most people, this is not a chronic or long-term thing. Support from loved ones can help them through the tough situation, or they can deal with it on their own without needing any support.


The second type of anxiety is much more severe, and some even say it can leave a mark on your personality. It requires some effort to make living easy. The first thing to try and do is find the root cause of it. Since anxiety can be exacerbated by external stimuli, the first thing is to determine whether there are any external factors.

Past events can trigger one’s intuition that something is not right but if your anxiety is due to some external factors then you should work towards dealing with it. However there is no obvious external cause for anxiety reactions to life.

Studies are still being conducted to find out the cause of anxiety in people who don’t have any past traumatic experiences. People with deep rooted anxiety may have chemical imbalances in their brains. However you should be aware that it is not a proven fact with any concrete evidence, even in this day and age. That being said, it is possible to do a normal blood test to find out the chemicals present in the brain which can cause anxiety.

The common symptoms of anxiety are quite well known because of its long history. The usual symptoms are prolific sweating, ‘lump in the throat’, palpitations, twitching, dry mouth, chest pain and shortness of breath or wheezing. However these symptoms can exist as side effects of some other medicines or other psychological issues. When linked to a phobia, as opposed to being ‘general’ anxiety disorder, the symptoms normally only happen in reaction to explicit stimuli.

So how does one diagnose or treat anxiety? A qualified mental health professional can assess your anxiety, diagnose your psychological issues, and plan a course of treatment that suits you best. If you detect that your anxiety is getting more severe then at once you must seek advice from your doctor. In western countries, this is the normal referral route anyway.


There are many ways to treat anxiety, and the mental health professional will usually recommend the “easier” ones first. Some of these include journaling, therapy, and group sessions. In many cases, these are enough to help a person through a difficult and anxiety-provoking time. The most common form of therapy is called cognitive-behavioural therapy, also known as CBT.

In this kind of treatment the mental health professional aids the patient in shagging the ways of thinking that contribute to the cause of anxiety. The professional then introduce the patient to the situations that helps in controlling their anxiety. It is a systematic process that requires work on the counselee’s part as well.

What if the anxiety is severe enough to warrant mediation? Common types of medication include anxiolytics such as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) and Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are the common medicines and also tricyclic anti-depressants, though these days those are prescribed less often.  It is seen that over 90% of patients get recovered by trying these treatment options. But, as I mentioned before, have these only as a last resort.

Either way, if you have full support from your family and from all those people who care for you, it can and will be much easier to deal with anxiety. As hard as it may sound, consider removing some antagonists from your life – it’ll remove some of the drama. Hope this article has helped, and do try out some of the digital products recommended below, as they are not only proven to be effective, but will save you a lot of money too!

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