Some Misconceptions About Exercise Explained
|There are so many myths about exercise that we, as a blog, have to address. We will be doing this bit by bit in each article. Today, however, we got a guest poster to do it for us. Learn from their insight here:
“Exercise is good for the body. A lot of people have been raving about the health benefits of including a exercise and other physical activities in their lifestyles. Exercise is important for strengthened circulatory, respiratory, and immune systems. In addition, many health studies show that exercise effects mental health as well. It elevates moods and promotes a state of bliss. Including exercise in one’s lifestyle may reduce anxiety and manage stress.
Despite the health benefits that are brought by exercising and working out. A lot of people are hesitant to partake in these activities because of perceived ill-effects that exercise may bring. In the 21st century, infomercials, magazines, videos, and friends may give conflicting advice. These results in confusion and is probably the reason why many individuals prevented from getting in shape.

Numerous women are hesitant to workout or because of the misconception that strength training will make them bulky. They think that strength training is only for men. Women naturally have less bone and muscle than men, this is the reason why women have higher risks of osteoporosis.
Medical experts however point that women don’t have enough testosterone to develop big and bulky muscles. Muscular women that are seen in the Internet and television probably achieved those kinds of physique because of consuming uncontrolled substances.
Another misconception that many people believe is one has to workout intensely in order to gain health benefits. This is incorrect because moderate workouts lower the risk of acquiring unwanted ailments and promote improved well-being. A study conducted by the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS), show that women who regularly engage in in brisk walking reduced their risk of heart disease to the same degree as women who engaged in vigorous exercise.
Individuals that gain weight as they get older blame age for this attribute. However, weight gain takes place because of reduced physical activities and diminished metabolic rate which is caused by loss of lean body mass. This transformation takes place between ages 20 and 30. The percentage of body fat slowly increases and produces a decreasing calorie requirement. This happens because fat cells consume fewer calories than muscle cells.

Exercise and physical activity may slowdown the aging process by preventing degeneration and metabolic diseases that affect middle aged and elderly people. In addition, exercise stimulates the activities in the human cells and fluids. As these cells are stimulated the more likely they will continue to function properly. It is however important to exercise with a nutritious diet to reap its health benefits.
It is never too late to partake in regular exercise and other physical activities. Exercise is good for different people of all ages. It is necessary to maintain improved overall health. Individuals who decide to include a regular program of physical activity should consult doctors and other health professionals for advice.
This is important because a lot of individuals tend to workout too much or workout improperly, which may do more harm than good. Understanding proper workout and including a healthy diet in one’s lifestyle may lead to improved health and overall well-being.”
I hope this is helpful. Now back to the exercise plans. Here are some which you might resonate with:

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